Codecabulary Home / Learn Rails / Encrypting Passwords
Often, we'll want to protect our users by requiring:
A password to match a "password confirmation" entry (make the user enter the password twice to minimize typos)
Encrypting their passwords in our database
We'll then authenticate users via an authenticate method, which will:
Encrypt a submitted password
Compare it to the stored encrypted password
And return the user object or false
Here's how we'll get it done:
Add bcrypt-ruby to your Gemfile
Add a password_digest column to your user model.
Note: The name password_digest is essential for the bcrypt-ruby magic to work correctly. The "digest" portion of the name refers to its cryptographic origins--this is the column that will store our encrypted hash.
rake db:migrate
Allow :password and :password_confirmation to be mass assigned; we'll need to check them on the model although we won't save them in the database.
model User < ActiveRecord::Base attraccessible :email, :password, :passwordconfirmation ...
You're ready to go! Check out our authenticate method:
user = user.find_by_email("") # We need a user to authenticate first
#<User id: 1, email: "", password_digest: "$2a$10$5E3iP2W.lN4vo542CSvPlOlQg19j6RjyMJyk3CV4tDax...", created_at: "2013-06-04 12:58:47", updated_at: "2013-06-04 12:58:47">