Writing a Rails Migration

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Rails migrations are just Ruby code. In your Rails app, your migrations are stored in db/migrate (relative to the Rails root).

A migration, by definition, is a change to the database schema, but the first change to make is to generate a table if you haven't already, which you can review in more detail at Writing a Rails Model.

1) Generate the Migration Files

For general changes, the easiest way about it is to have Rails generate the migration files you need for you. In your command line, in the Rails root, type:

rails g migration migration_description

For example:

rails g migration change_username_field_to_email

Like generating a model, Rails will generate a few files for you when generating a migration. The first is the migration file itself, located in db/migrate, which in this case would be named YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_change_username_field_to_email. Check here for more info on Migration Naming Conventions.

ProTip: If the migration name you write in this step is of the form “AddXXXToYYY” or “RemoveXXXFromYYY” and is followed by a list of column names and types, then a migration containing the appropriate addcolumn and removecolumn statements will be created for you (otherwise the next step in the process). Bada-bing.


rails generate migration AddPartNumberToProducts part_number:string

2) Write the Up & Down Methods or Change Method in the Migration file

The migration file will already be written for us, and will start with this line:

class ClassName < ActiveRecord::Migration

In our example:

class ChangeUsernameFieldToEmail < ActiveRecord::Migration

For more info on this line, check out the section on Writing a Rails Model.

If we were writing a constructive migration like adding a column or a table, we'd want to name the method in the next line change. Since instead we're changing a column, we'll need to create two methods: up and down (where up is the change we want to make, and down is its inverse--a fallback in case we want to undo our changes). Check here for more details on Changing Migrations.

  def up
    change_column :users, :username, :email

  def down
    change_column :users, :email, :username

How did we know what the names of these methods were? Simple, check Migration Methods for a complete list of methods we can use to change our database schema.

How did we know whether to use change or up/down? up/down is going to be the safest bet in all cases (today), but there's also a list of the methods change supports:

  • add_column
  • add_index
  • add_timestamps
  • add_reference
  • create_table
  • drop_table
  • remove_timestamps
  • remove_reference
  • rename_column
  • rename_index
  • rename_table

3) Run the Migration File

The migration is almost complete. Back in the command line, in the Rails root, we'll run:

rake db:migrate

Which will run the migration file, make the changes to our database, and update our schema.

4) Change the Model Class

The last change is to update the Model class to accurately reflect the change we made. The model file is located in app/models/modelName.rb. Again, we changed the name of username to email, so in the class, we'll change the name too:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :email, presence: true

That's it! We've successfully changed our database, and the Model class that we use to speak to it. Sweet!