Ruby Regexes

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Regular Expressions are patterns often used to ensure user input matches specific criteria (e.g. to ensure a user has entered a valid email address).

Patterns in Ruby are specified using /pattern/

	/Perl|Python/ # Perl or Python
	/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/ # A time, such as 12:35:56

Ruby uses the =~ match operator to match strings against regexes

	email = ""
	email =~ /\d{3}/ 	# If matches, returns the start position of the match
	> 13
	email =~ /\d{4}/ 	# If no match, returns nil
	> nil

Since nil is returned for no match, regexes can be used in conditional piping:

	email = ""
	if email =~ /\b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-z]{2,4}\b/ 
		puts "Logged in."

Check out the Regex Cheat Sheet for more info on regular expressions.