Codecabulary Home / Learn Ruby / Truthy and Falsy
Little in the "real" world is black and white, but in the world of boolean logic, computers will find a way to evaluate any statement, object, or variable as true or false. As humans, we can conceive of such statements as:
1 < 2 ## true
ships.sunk? ## if true, a game of Battleship is over
But what about statements like:
if chair ## is a chair inherently true or false?
unless 1 ## what about the number 1?
These statements would sound more than a little crazy in natural language, but in computer science they often have a sound purpose: to check whether an error has occurred, whether a user has entered some value, or whether something unexpected has happened.
For instance, we might say:
if @user
To determine whether or not a user object exists. This statement will evaluate to true if a user is signed in, and false if a user is not.
But Boolean logic varies across languages. Let's look at some of the differences between Ruby and Javascript:
Type | Language | Boolean Value |
Nil/ null | Ruby/Javascript | False |
Undefined | Ruby | Does not exist |
Undefined | Javascript | False |
Boolean | Ruby/Javscript | True/False |
Number | Ruby | True |
Number | Javascript | 0 and NaN are false; else: true |
String | Ruby | True |
String | Javascript | True unless empty string |
Object | Ruby/Javscript | True |
Knowing the truthiness and falsiness of various types in your languages of choice is important--you can see it's easy to get tripped up when transitioning!